Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My New Year's Resolution


New Year is a very important occasion to all of us. It is a blessing for us because there is another year of our life that God has given to us. Every New Year, every person have a New Year's Resolution. Good or bad, because if we talk about resolution it is the act of resolving or the state of being resolved,determination, a fixed intention and a formal decision or opinion. It is apart of change.
My New Year's Resolution is to change my bad characteristics into good one's in order to have a better life. I want to become a good person, a good student and especially a good daughter. I want to become a good christian believer and to serve God as a part of D.Y.A. I want to become a good leader as a SK councilor in our barangay. I want to study hard in order to reach my ambitions in life with the help of our Almighty Father because I know in Him, nothing is impossible. I want to change because I'm still young and I know it is not yet the end.